
Membership of the orchestra is by subscription and is subject to conditions as described in the Rules and Constitution. There are no formal auditions or entry requirements, although players will normally be expected to have had some orchestral experience. However, a willingness to learn and a commitment to attend Tuesday evening rehearsals regularly are equally important.

Instrumentalists interested in joining the orchestra are invited to contact us. We also welcome enquiries for short term membership – if you’re studying here for a year, or on a short term work placement for example ?

The subscription rate for 2023-24  is £165. We encourage members to pay online annually, but a termly rate of £65 may be accepted on request. The subscription covers the costs of rehearsals, orchestral tuition and occasional sectional coaching from professional musicians. There is no charge for full time students under the age of 30. Subscriptions are not normally charged for any prospective new member’s first term – and there’s no charge for refreshments during this period either

Members have the option of paying for interval refreshments (tea, coffee, biscuits and cake) for the year (£15) or termly (£5) either separately or as part of their subscription – £180 for the year, or £70 per term. It is not possible to pay for refreshments with cash on a week by week basis.


New members are welcome any time. At the moment, we are actively looking for extra players in the following areas –

Strings – particular vacancies for  1st and 2nd violins, violas and double basses, but enquiries are always welcome from other string players.

Timpani / percussion – enquiries welcome from any musicians able to help with percussion parts on concert days, and from timpanists (ideally with their own kit.) We’re very happy to consider school or college students who are learning drums and would like to try playing in an orchestra!

We maintain a waiting list for woodwind and brass players interested in joining us in the future, and willing to deputise at short notice for occasional rehearsals or works with expanded wind sections. Please contact us if you would like to be on the waiting list – or if you have were last in contact more than a year ago, please get in touch againto make sure we have your up to date details.

Keyboard players are sometimes needed for concerts, but enquiries are welcome from anyone willing to attend occasional rehearsals as well to fill in occasional harp, xylophone or piano parts.

When you become a member, you will be given login and password details for the Members Only pages. Please contact us if you’re a member of the orchestra and don’t have login details.

updated 1 September 2024